9 Best Videos for Resolutions in 2021

To Succeed and Prosper with Changes

Many people believe that changes are difficult, which is not true. They often wait for a magical moment that will help resolving some of their long term challenges.

In case you are one of them and you think that resolutions should be made on January 1st, then here is a list of 9 videos (2-30 min) to accelerate your success this year.

New Normals (27 min)

Motivation is a Lie (3 min)

Everyday Easy Steps (8 min)

Access More Money (8 min)

Burnout is Fake (7 min)

Transcending Instincts (14 min)

Change Wisdom (30 min)

Money is Energy (2 min)

Improving Wellbeing (21 min)


consulting — speaking — masterclass

TED talks