Imagination of an Artificial Intelligence?

The Question of this Century

Can we create an artificial intelligence that can imagine it having an imagination?

We know, great people have predominantly relied on their knowledge. But not only that, they have also been expanding it with their imagination. Hundred years ago, there is a great example how the general theory of relativity came out using imagination.

Imagination was the most powerful tool at that time, and still is. Today, we can compliment it with the computational power. But still, I think that artificial intelligence has a long way. Because of the complexity of imagination that people have inbuilt in their complex system over thousands of years.

How to make computers or computing power to imagine?

Artificial intelligence is generally following the imagination of human beings. It was always driven by us, including all of our detriments and biases. 

Now, there are people who are designing general artificial intelligence. Have they realized or questioned — can we make an artificial intelligence imagine? I think that's the real thing. I think that's the most powerful thing that somebody, who is really good at artificial intelligence, would start to imagine.

Like Albert Einstein, more than hundred years ago, was imagining this spacetime, curvature, gravity, and the general theory of relativity — it was all about imagination. 

Can somebody today, like experts, or maybe some artists or somebody who is really curious about what is the essence or purpose of artificial intelligence?

Can they imagine the imagination of artificial intelligence?


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